Z delovanjem domačih fotografov sem se podrobneje seznanil v okviru Kabineta slovenske fotografije pri Gorenjskem muzeju, za katerega skrbim kot kustos za umetnostno zgodovino. S fotografiranjem se intenzivneje ukvarjam zadnjih deset let. Svoj osrednji fotografski ciklus Abstraktni segmenti narave kontinuirano dopolnjujem. Pripravil sem nekaj samostojnih razstav: Galerija Mestne občine Kranj (2006), Študijski oddelek Osrednje knjižnice v Kranju (2007), Galerija Domplan v Kranju (2008, 2009), Galerija Pasaža v Radovljici (2010), Galerija Vodnikova domačija v Ljubljani (2011) in Mestna knjižnjica v Ljubljani (2011).
Damir became acquainted with the activities of local Slovenian photographers within the Kabinet of Slovenian photography at the Gorenjski Muzej where he is curator for art history. He has been a keen photographer for the past ten years. He keeps adding to his main photographic cycle Abstract segments of nature and has held several independent exhibitions: at the gallery of Kranj city council (2006), the study department of the Central library in Kranj (2007), Galerija Domplan in Kranj (2008, 2009), Galerija Pasaža in Radovljica (2010), Galerija Vodnikova domačija in Ljubljana (2011) and City library in Ljubljana (2011). He lives and works in Radovljica.
Glej tudi:
Damir became acquainted with the activities of local Slovenian photographers within the Kabinet of Slovenian photography at the Gorenjski Muzej where he is curator for art history. He has been a keen photographer for the past ten years. He keeps adding to his main photographic cycle Abstract segments of nature and has held several independent exhibitions: at the gallery of Kranj city council (2006), the study department of the Central library in Kranj (2007), Galerija Domplan in Kranj (2008, 2009), Galerija Pasaža in Radovljica (2010), Galerija Vodnikova domačija in Ljubljana (2011) and City library in Ljubljana (2011). He lives and works in Radovljica.
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